
fat - Meaning of でぶでぶ, debudebu. See complete explanation and more examples and pronunciation.

... debudebu na na), adverbial でぶでぶに (debudebu ni ni)). extremely fat, obese. 俺 ( おれ ) はでぶでぶになってるさ。 Ore wa debudebu ni natte ru sa. Man, I'm ...

まぁ、のんべんだらりと生きております。関わった人たちが幸せになってくれるのが何より幸せ 2018年2月10日にCSテレ朝チャンネルを見ていて、あゆみくりかまき に ...

Listen to the pronunciation, view english meanings, stroke order diagrams and conjugations for でぶでぶ (debudebu).

Debudebu. Alternative Meanings Popularity. Debudebu. fat. Learning Japanese? Use the LingQ Reader App to make a breakthrough.

The english translations and meanings for でぶでぶ and debudebu are: fat.

UI/UX Designer • Graphic Designer • Class of 2022 Millenium Fellow @MCNpartners.

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Since it actually exists, I have studied how the Pocha Pocha or Plump Plump Fruit works. It grants the user the power to fatten up others. They can even burn ...

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