
Vetala - Wikipedia

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  3. Vetala
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  3. Vetala

A vetala (Sanskrit: वेताल, romanized: vetāla) is a class of beings in Hindu mythology. They are usually defined as a knowledgeable (fortune telling) ...

Vetala Panchavimshati-Shantadurga-Betal

A persona of the Devil Arcana, Vetala specializes in inflicting ailments upon enemies. Vetala can be found in Shuffle Time in both Steamy Bathhouse and Marukyu ...

2020/10/30 -As legend goes, the vetala is a ghoulish trickster of varying description that haunts cemeteries and forests, hanging upside down from trees and ...

2024/2/7 -Vetalas are a breed of vampire native to the sub-continent of Vudra. Unlike traditional vampires, however, vetalas feed on the creative ...

A Vetala is a revenant in Hindu mythology, usually defined as a knowledgeable (fortune telling) paranormal entity said to be dwelling at charnel grounds.

A supernatural-thriller about a hostile, yet conflicted spirit from the pages of Hindu mythology, and the succession of people it travels through.

2022/11/11 -Vetāla (वेताल) refers to a group of deities commonly translated as “vampires” roaming at cremation grounds and possessing dead bodies.

Vetala - Super-wiki

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  2. Vetala
  1. http://www.supernaturalwiki.com
  2. Vetala

In India mythology, the vetala is a ghoul or evil spirit that haunts graveyards and possesses corpses. They are said to originate from the souls of children not ...

The Vetala Panchavimshati (Sanskrit: वेतालपञ्चविंशति, IAST: vetālapañcaviṃśati), or Betal Pachisi is a collection of tales and legends within a frame ...

A vampire-like being in Hindu mythology that inhabits corpses. See also edit.


ヴェーターラ(वेताल vetāla)とは、仏教、ヒンドゥー教などインドの様々な文献で伝えられる鬼神の一種である。 人の死体を操り、これを動かすと言われる。日本の「死人憑き」(死体に取り付く見えない妖怪)と似ている。 仏教においては四夜叉神の1人。毘陀羅、起屍鬼、屍鬼と訳される…-Wikipedia