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Cowboy Bebop Movie Poster Welcome to My Cowboy Bebop Fan Site!
I made this site to bring you the latest news on Cowboy Bebop and info. on the cast's new work. I love this show so much that I just had to build this website. I hope you enjoy the show too!
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Cowboy Bebop News
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More information about Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' On Heaven's Door
I don't have very much info on the Cowboy Bebop Movie, but I can tell you some facts. Columbia Tri-Star is taking this movie to America. They have kept the original dub cast from the show, however on the release, April 4th, they have decided to give you the option of watching the English dub version or the Japanese sub version. I prefer dub, my eyes get a hard enough time from watching bright colors in a dark room, and adding yellow words to the bottom of a screen would just kill me. Check the link above for the casting info and other details.

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What Does this Web Site Contain?
You will find everything there is to find about Cowboy Bebop on this web site, technically because I have links to other websites that have what I don't have. Mainly what you can find here is news on Cowboy Bebop, pics, great links, info about me and how to contact me, and, if I ever get it done, a Cowboy Bebop Slide Show.

Now the reason for Cowboy Bebop fan sites is not to just express our love for the anime show, but also to fill in for the official website, which, sadly, no longer exists.

So to fill in for the official website, to express love for the show, and to bring YOU the latest news on Cowboy Bebop and it's creators, I AM PROUD TO PRESENT TO YOU...SWORDFISH ][(2).

The reason I named my site this is because, 1)Everything else was taken, 2)It's the name of Spike's loyal and faithful(not really) companion, Swordfish 2 the fighter ship, and 3)simply because I like the name. So there you have it: Inspiration for the website and inspiration for the name of it. So, please, enjoy this website, and if you find any flaws please tell me about them. Once again, thankyou for visiting, and enjoy your visit.

You can take my weekly poll if you want to, check it out!

Cowboy Bebop: Spike in ghetto(cover of anime book "Cowboy Bebop: The After") "Cowboy Bebop: The After"
"Cowboy Bebop: The After"(cover photo shown left) is an art book full of color photos from the show and movie. I came close to getting one myself, but, being an import, it was kinda pricy. I found a more affordable one at www.animecastle.com It's a great website for Anime products, I just recently signed up with them for a discount business deal. Check them out, there a good shopping site.

"Cowboy Bebop" is the property of Sunrise, Bandai Entertainment, Shinichiro Watanabe et al. all rights reserved. All content of this web site was created by David Chernyavsky with use of www.20megsfree.com utilities Copyright 2003;no reproduction is allowed without permission.