
日本の文化・風習、習慣など、 日々の暮らしの素朴な疑問をお伝えします。

女優の三田佳子(82)が7日、自身のブログを更新。アングラ演劇の旗手として活躍し、4日に84歳で死去した劇作家の唐十郎(から・じゅうろう、本名大鶴義英=おおつる・よしひで)さんを追悼した。 三田と唐さんは家...


お笑いトリオ・パンサーの尾形貴弘(46)の妻・あいさんが7日までに、自身のブログを更新。娘・さくちゃんとそっくりな尾形の幼少期の写真と公開し、ファンから反響を呼んでいる。 えりさんは「そっくりな写真みつ...


2023/10/1 -Thinking about our daily lives, we say “otsukaresama” to colleagues we walk past at work, and when we leave for the day we say “osaki ni ...

2020/2/16 -Although "otsukaresama desu" translates into "you are tired", it means "you are tired because you have worked hard, thank you." It's a beautiful ...

2023/11/4 -Would it be a natural situation to say “Otsukaresama deshita” to a stranger on a commuter train heading from work? If not, where would be some ...

2019/7/9 -How to use the Japanese useful phrase: Otsukaresama お疲れ様(おつかれさま) : If you have just got yourself a Job in Japan,

2017/8/7 -Nipponrama is a blog about Japan and the Japanese culture created in 2016 by Michaël and Bastien. Michaël lives in Tokyo where he works as a web ...

2016/3/16 -Otsukaresama desu is a key phrase that you will need to master if you plan to work in a Japanese office. Learn it quickly and impress your ...

2020/2/12 -Often shortened to otsukaresama, the Japanese use the phrase as a salutation, a good-bye, and a thank you, usually in the workplace. When used ...

Otsukaresama desu. OR. お疲れ様でした。 Otsukaresama deshita. (Past tense). This phrase is used extremely often and its meaning is akin to, ...

Blog · Contact Us. Otsukaresama desu or Otsukaresama deshita. BeginnerJapanese expressions. Mar 10. Written By Minako Okamoto. Please read the previous post ...