CosCom Japanese Language School We provides A Collection of Japanese Sentences with Illustrations and more. boris 67
Learn Japanese On the web, CosCom get quick lesson, essential japanese verbs, the basic kanji characters toshito 47
Nihongo o Narau - Learn Japanese It offers Vocabulary, Grammar lessons, Expressions, Conversations, Songs, Photos boris 39
Japanese Language A simplified form for Jeffrey's japanese, English dictionary server and more toshito 20
Understanding Written Japanese A Guide to Learning Hiragana & Katakana. History, origin, and types of kanji. boris 19
Kana Flashcards This is a page for learning hiragana, one of the Japanese syllabaries. boris 18
Online Japanese Language & Culture Since 1996 get beginner's japanese lessons, online dictionary and more. toshito 11
Center for Japanese Language Studies Is the premiere American program for the teaching of advanced Japanese. boris 11
YesJapan Corporation We offer Japanese Writing Lessons, 4000+ Kanji Sentences, Japanese Grammar boris 11
Japanese 101 - The Foreigner Hiragana & katakana, Pronunciation, Useful phrases, Kanji, Grammar, Lessons 1-8. boris 11
| Free Japanese Lessons on the Internet. Life, culture and Japan's history. boris 10
Japanese Picture Gallery We offers Dictionary of history and traditions, Fast kanji look-up dictionary. boris 10
The Kanji SITE This site explains how kanji are used within actual words and sentences. boris 9